Hopefully, this search identified the facts you were looking for as related to leupold vx- 2-4-12. While you are exploring, a common question that usually surface regularly relating to rifle scopes is simply how much power or magnification do I require? Honestly, there's no hard and fast answer. The 3X9 power is hands down the most common magnification sold, but it might not be right for you. For me personally, I prefer more magnification than that and don't have a 3X9 on any rifle I own. Your needs will likely be different than mine so give it some thought.
Underneath are the hunting scope listings we came across for you built around the following key phrases leupold vx- 2-4-12.
If your search delivers not enough search results then be sure to widen your search phrases just a little. If you see too many item listings, then optimize your current search key phrases and conduct the search once more.