Purchasing a scope is a individual choice so take advice on the matter, but make your own determination in the end as it's your hard earned dollars. Do your own reviews and select the rifle scope which you like, not the one your brother or best friend likes. They are not the ones that will be shooting over it. A long time ago, I allowed my pal talk me into purchasing a less expensive Simmons scope over the higher end Bushnell Elite I wanted.In the long run, that turned out to be a very poor decision on my part as the scope I bought turned out to be very poor when compared to one I truly wanted. Do not make the same blunder.
Underneath are the scope entries we found for you relying around the following search phrases zeiss victory. In the event your search shows too little results then make sure you branch out your search phrases a little. If you see a great number of postings, then tweak your current search text and operate the search just as before. |
zeiss victory